Privacy Policy

Privacy policy – rules governing the collection, processing, use and protection of personal data that may be requested / received when using the investua.agency website (hereinafter - the Site). The privacy of users of our website is of great importance to us and we make every effort to ensure its protection. By filling out feedback forms and marking the fact that he has read this Privacy Policy, the Site User confirms that he is familiar with and agrees to all the terms of this Privacy Policy and provides LLC "Invest UA investment agency" (hereinafter - the Company) with his full unlimited term consent to the processing of his personal data in any way provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" (hereinafter - the Law), and their entry into the Company's personal data bases.
The Company provides access to User information only to those employees who need to have this information to carry out effective activities in the interests of the client. According to the Law, personal data means any information about the User, including last name, first name, patronymic, phone number, e-mail address, as well as other information provided when using the Site. Collection, processing and use of personal data is carried out by the Company for the purpose of registering users of the Site, providing proper and high-quality services to Users, communicating with Users for the purpose of informing about the Company's services and promotions. Personal data is stored on the Company's web resources and electronic media, on which sufficient measures are taken to protect information, but please take into account that there is no absolutely safe and error-free way of data transmission over the Internet. The company is not responsible for the functioning of servers, providers of Internet access services, work of third parties, due to which access to the Site may be impossible or limited. We reserve the right to periodically make changes and amendments to these rules and publish their new version on our website. You should check this web page periodically to make sure you understand the changes made to these rules. We may also notify you of changes to these policies by sending you an email or through our site's private messaging system.

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