Information and consulting services
(participation in the Invest UA Club)

This contract is the official and public offer of the Seller to conclude a contract of sale of the Goods presented on the website www.investua.agency. This contract is public, that is, in accordance with Articles 633, 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, its conditions are the same for all buyers regardless of their status (individual, legal entity, individual entrepreneur) without giving preference to one buyer over another. By concluding this Agreement, the buyer fully accepts the terms and conditions of placing an order, paying for services, liability for an unscrupulous order, and all other terms of the agreement. The contract is considered concluded from the moment of clicking the "Confirm Order" and "Payment" buttons on the checkout page.
1. Definition of terms1.1. Public offer (hereinafter - the "Offer") - a public offer of the Seller, addressed to an unspecified circle of persons, to conclude a contract with the Seller for information and consulting services or goods remotely (hereinafter - the "Agreement") on the terms contained in this Offer.1.2. The product or service is the object of the agreement of the parties, which was selected by the buyer on the website of the online store and placed in the basket, or already purchased by the buyer from the seller remotely.1.3. Online store – the Seller's website at www.investua.agency is created for the conclusion of retail and wholesale sales contracts based on the Buyer's familiarization with the description of the Goods and Services offered by the Seller via the Internet.1.4. The buyer is a legally competent natural person who has reached the age of 18, receives information from the Seller, places an order for the purchase of the goods presented on the site for purposes not related to the implementation of business activities, or a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur.1.5. The seller is D.V. Chornyi FOP. (TIN 2866006633), a legal entity that was created and operates in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
2. Subject of the Agreement2.1. The Seller undertakes to transfer ownership of the Goods or Services to the Buyer, and the Buyer undertakes to pay for and accept the Goods or Services under the terms of this Agreement.2.2. The date of conclusion of the Contract-offer (acceptance of the offer) and the moment of complete and unquestionable acceptance by the Buyer of the terms of the Contract shall be considered the date of filling out the order form by the Buyer located on the website of the online store, provided that the Buyer receives an electronic confirmation of the order from the Seller.2.3. The information and consulting service of being a member of the Invest UA Club is the voluntary participation of the Buyer for a limited period in a complex of interactions with databases and participation in separate special events organized by the Seller in order to obtain information and knowledge on the subjects of "business" and "investment", as well as other events of an entertainment nature, access to which is granted to the Buyer after payment via the link on the website or in another way according to the details of the Seller or through non-cash payment services with the purpose of payment "information and consulting services, contribution of a member of the Invest UA Club", or payment for "ticket to participate in a separate event of the Invest UA Club".
3. Placement of the Order3.1. The buyer places an order independently on the website through the appropriate form, or by placing an order by e-mail or by phone number specified in the contact section.3.2. The Seller has the right to refuse to transfer the order to the Buyer if the information provided by the Buyer during the order placement is incomplete or raises suspicions about their validity.3.3. The buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when placing the Order.3.4. By concluding the Agreement, i.e. by accepting the terms of this offer (the proposed terms of purchase of the Goods), by placing the Order, the Buyer confirms the following:a) The buyer is fully and completely acquainted with and agrees with the terms of this offer (offer);b) he gives permission for the collection, processing and transfer of personal data, the permission for the processing of personal data is valid for the entire term of the Agreement, as well as for an unlimited period after its expiration. In addition, by concluding the contract, the Buyer confirms that he has been notified (without additional notification) of the rights established by the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data", the purposes of data collection, as well as the fact that his personal data is transferred to the Seller for the purpose of being able to fulfill the conditions of this Agreement, the possibility of mutual settlements, as well as to receive invoices, acts and other documents. The Buyer also agrees that the Seller has the right to provide access and transfer his personal data to third parties without any additional notice from the Buyer for the purpose of fulfilling the Buyer's order. The extent of the Buyer's rights as a subject of personal data in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" is known and understood by him.
4. Price and Delivery of Goods and Services4.1 Prices for Goods and services are determined by the Seller independently and indicated on the website. All prices for goods and services are indicated on the website in hryvnias.4.2 Prices for Goods and services may be changed by the Seller unilaterally depending on market conditions. At the same time, the price of a separate unit of the Product, the cost of which has been paid in full by the Buyer, cannot be changed by the Seller unilaterally.4.3. The price of the Product, which is indicated on the website of the online store, does not include the cost of delivery of the Product to the Buyer. The cost of delivery of the Goods is paid by the Buyer in accordance with the current rates of delivery services (carriers) directly to the delivery service (carrier) chosen by him.4.6. The Buyer's obligations to pay for the Goods are considered fulfilled from the moment the funds are received by the Seller on his account.4.7. Settlements between the Seller and the Buyer for the Goods are made by the methods indicated on the website.
5. Rights and obligations of the Parties5.1. The seller is obliged to:5.1.1. Deliver the goods to the Buyer or provide relevant information and consulting services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the Buyer's order.5.2. The seller has the right to:5.2.1 To unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement, as well as the prices of Goods and services, by posting them on the website. All changes take effect from the moment of their publication. To change the scope of providing information and consulting services to the Investhub Club member (Buyer) at its own discretion.5.3 The buyer undertakes:5.3.1 Before concluding the Agreement, familiarize yourself with the content of the Agreement, the terms of the Agreement and the prices offered by the Seller on the website.5.3.2 In order for the Seller to fulfill its obligations to the Buyer, the latter must provide all the necessary data that uniquely identify him as the Buyer.
6. Liability6.1. The Seller is not responsible for improper, untimely fulfillment of Orders and its obligations in the event that the Buyer provides inaccurate or erroneous information.6.2. The Seller and the Buyer are responsible for fulfilling their obligations in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine and the provisions of this Agreement.6.3. The Seller or the Buyer is released from responsibility for full or partial non-fulfillment of their obligations, if the non-fulfillment is the result of force majeure circumstances such as: war or hostilities, earthquake, flood, fire and other natural disasters that occurred regardless of the will of the Seller and/or The buyer after concluding this contract. A Party that cannot fulfill its obligations shall immediately notify the other Party thereof.
7. Confidentiality and protection of personal data.7.1. By providing his personal data on the website when registering or placing an Order, the Buyer gives the Seller his voluntary consent to the processing, use (including the transfer) of his personal data, as well as taking other actions provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data", without limiting the term of such consent.7.2. The buyer is responsible for keeping his personal data up-to-date. The Seller is not responsible for poor performance or non-fulfilment of its obligations due to the irrelevance of information about the Buyer or its inconsistency.
8. Other conditions8.1. This contract is concluded on the territory of Ukraine and is valid in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.8.2. All disputes arising between the Buyer and the Seller shall be resolved through negotiations. In the event of failure to reach a settlement of the disputed issue through negotiations, the Buyer and/or the Seller have the right to apply for resolution of the dispute to the system of Arbitration Courts of Ukraine and judicial authorities in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.8.3. The seller has the right to make changes to this Agreement unilaterally, provided for in clause 5.2.1. Agreement. In addition, changes to the Agreement may also be made by mutual agreement of the Parties in accordance with the procedure provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine.
ADDRESS AND DETAILS OF THE SELLER:FOP Black D.V.TIN 2866006633Kyiv, Volodymyr Ivasyuk avenue, 16v-k1

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